Proper diet for weight loss for women: General principles and the example of diet.

This article I dedicate to the ladies, whose t-shirt ordinary people use as tent camping.

diet weight loss for women

If at the premiere of "Godzilla" you asked to take a picture, it's a red flag and I suggest you to read this article.

In it I will tell you about nutrition for weight loss for women: which foods we are friends and which aren't.

The basics of nutrition for weight loss for women

So you can proudly start talking to all the people that got hooked on eating right, not enough just to eat burgers with celery. But to drive themselves to a low calorie diet, which you will drink a kefir, and then a lifetime of tablets, it is also not necessary.

Proper diet for weight loss for women is not as scary as you might think at first glance.

You just need:

  • remove all harmful products;
  • to calculate the daily requirement of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • based on this diet that will provide all these BGU;
  • and you will have happiness.

What foods to eat?

If you don't want to get into the Guinness book of records as the man seen from space, you will need to eliminate fried foods, fast food, and limit starchy and sweet.

The correct and balanced diet for weight loss should include right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed to the woman:

  1. Carbohydrates you can get from grains and legumes, vegetables and fruits.
  2. The most popular source of protein is meat, yet not interfere with fish, eggs and dairy products.
  3. But the fats are different, saturated and unsaturated fats. Many people say that saturated fats (animals) harmful, but it is not so. They are harmful, if they are many and in small numbers they are very useful. The optimal ratio of animal fats to vegetable – 30/70. Vegetable oils you can get, for example, from nuts, vegetable oils, avocado and other things.
what foods to eat

In addition, girls need to properly distribute these products throughout the day:

  1. Carbohydrates. Cereals, pasta, potatoes eat better in the first half of the day, fruit you can add a second snack, vegetables can be eaten even in the evening.
  2. Proteins. Protein foods can be eaten at any time of the day. But it is better before bedtime to eat what is digested easier and faster, such as eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese. Chicken because of its structure will be longer and harder.
  3. Fats. It is better to eat in the morning, for example, the first snack between Breakfast and lunch.

How to calculate calories?

To plan nutrition for weight loss for women, we first need to determine the number of calories that will be diet.

There are several options how to calculate the right caloric content for a particular girl. For example, you can use the popular Harris-Benedict equation. I use a slightly different method. First, I define the required number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and then allocate them to products.

But I want to note that all of these methods will show you number which in most cases will hold your weight in one place. To lose weight, you need to reduce calories.

Let me show you how my method works.

Take an abstract girl, who wants to lose weight. Her weight is 70 kg. If she wants to lose weight, we considered the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at a reduced weight, say it is 65 kg. For weight loss women need 2 g protein, 1 g fat and 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of your weight.

We obtain the following scheme:

how to calculate calories
  • proteins = 65 x 2 = 130 g
  • fats = 65 x 1 = 65 g
  • carbs = 65 x 2 = 130 g

Now calculate how many calories we will get:

  • proteins = 130 x 4.1 = 533 kcal
  • fats = 65 x 9 = 585 calories
  • carbohydrates = 130 x 4.1 = 533 kcal

Just goes 1651 calories a day. This will be our starting point. Depending on the results will need to change the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Such manipulation can, substituting your weight.

Many, seeing such a figure come to reproach me that I was crazy, a bad coach, pest, and generally unscrupulous people. It's very much. So.

Attention!!! Eating 1000 or 1200 calories for a diet of the public "40 kg", you will never succeed. You will lose weight, but your lean body will again turn into a juicy Patty immediately after the return to normal human diet. So be smart and don't overestimate their capabilities.


Optimal power schedule for weight loss for girls is:

  • Breakfast;
  • snack;
  • lunch;
  • snack;
  • dinner;
  • snack before going to bed.

It turns out six meals, so hungry you will not stay. Besides, you don't need to torture himself to death after six.

Now I will tell how this feeding schedule and the amount of calories to put into products.

Sample diet for the day

Above we considered the case of a girl who weighs 70 kg and wants to lose weight. Now we will prepare her diet for the day. Look can he.


  • oatmeal 50 g
  • eggs 3 PCs.
  • nuts 15 g

Snack 1:

  • cheese 50 g
  • honey 20 g


  • buckwheat 40 g
  • chicken fillet 150 g
  • salad vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), seasoned with vegetable oil (5 g) 150 g

Snack 2:

  • Apple 300 g


  • hake fillet 200 g
  • salad vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), seasoned with vegetable oil (5 g) 150 g

Snack 3 (before bed):

  • the low fat cottage cheese 150 g

Now, let's prepare the diet for the same girls but already with other products.


  • oatmeal 50 g
  • raisins 30 g
  • apples 2 pieces

Snack 1:

  • banana 1 piece
  • walnuts 30 g


  • pasta from durum 50 g
  • chicken drumsticks 2 PCs
  • salad vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), seasoned with vegetable oil (5 g) 150 g

Snack 2:

  • grapefruit 1 piece


  • squid 200 g
  • salad vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce greens) with vegetable oil (5 g) 150 g

Snack before sleep:

  • egg white 5 PCs

You can choose any other products to your preference.

As we can see, proper nutrition is not about one chicken breast and buckwheat. Proper nutrition can be varied and sometimes even tasty.

If the girl would have as written above, then the girl has to be success and a lot of attention from the guys. But if she is going to eat in the morning a piece of sausage with chocolate, in the afternoon Burger and fries from Mac's, and then the whole day hungry, because for weight loss need a calorie deficit, but it the two doses scored daily caloric, then her side, to protect her from guys as long as she's not wiser.

Will sports nutrition for weight loss?

sports nutrition for weight loss

If you need to achieve any results you want to see progress in the here and now, then you are likely interested in sports nutrition.

Well, sports nutrition can simplify your life and speed up the result of, but it will happen, provided that the normal diet, you will be correct.

If you're going to drink the fat burners and protein, but without a stick of sausage you in bed don't go, then what about the results can be discussed?

It all works in the complex. If you don't become part of that complex, then your cheeks will be flapping in the wind for a long time.

Don't forget about training

In addition to proper nutrition you need to add a little activity into your life. The fact that you go from computer to the fridge, does not apply to an active lifestyle.

Best suited workout at the gym. There you walnut nakachaesh, and fat burn. In my opinion, it's perfect.

Besides, the more you have muscle, the more active will burn calories, accordingly, the result will be faster. Especially for those who go to the gym, I wrote an article about nutrition for women who exercise.

If you're a lady and all these piece of iron is not for you, you can like group fitness classes — aerobics, there you'll be able fat shake.

If you're too lazy to exercise, then you my article on that, but if you have the motivation everything is all right, but there is no training experience, then go deal with the coach.

Yes, even just start walking. Trips to the store are not considered. Walking briskly, Cycling, rollerblading, whatever. Just start to lead a more active lifestyle.

And, don't fall for stupid things like miracle pills and patches are not issurei themselves to fasting, don't sit on the "dry" and don't push yourself to train hard every day. Not only did it not help, but hurt.

Am getting results

It can be concluded that proper nutrition for weight loss is not as scary as you might think about it. And to lose weight, you only need to exclude unhealthy foods, start to eat on schedule and to make your life more active.